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NbS  | Habitats  |  Education & Research | Volunteers

 Nature-based Solutions  reduce pollution, store carbon and provide wildlife habitat. Leaky dams across small tributaries, silt traps, contour swales, reed beds, river buffer zones and tree planting are natural solutions that increase soil infiltration rates, store storm water and slow down run-off.   


Farmers and landowners are important strategic partners capable of leading the design of Catchment Plans that reduce pollution and flooding. We are fundraising to support farmers to lead this ambition and offering volunteer teams to help with installations. 


Pioneering farmers already provide peer-to-peer learning for catchment farms.  Get in touch if you want to participate.


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WRT is a charity engaged in river restoration and ecosystem conservation.  At the local level WRT trains citzen scientists to monitor river quality. The WRT chairs the South Devon Catchment Partnership collaborating with with NGOs, water companies, and government bodies on large restoration projects   ​

Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) is a grant scheme running until Feb 25 supporting once off projects that support nature recovery and mitigate the impacts of climate change.  Catchment based farm hubs provide opportunities for collaboration and peer to peer learning.

Woodland Trust volunteer teams are working with farmers and landowners in the Avon Valley to install Nature-based-Solutions to agricultural run-off and manage the woodlands owned by the Woodland Trust.  The Woodland Trust produces and sells native trees.


Moor Trees restores natural woodland and scrub on Dartmoor managed by local farmers and communities. Working in South Devon and beyond,  MT offers advice and trees to landowners and provides management services for restructuring woodlands, facilitated volunteers.

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FCT, set up by farmers for farmers, explores opportunities to reduce energy costs and carbon footprints informed by citizen science projects, farm visits and events. By transitioning to regenerative farming techniques, farmers have also adopted strategies which are more beneficial for wildlife.

IF is a farmer-led, not-for-profit membership network for  farmers and growers running on -farm trials, on their own terms. Farm Visits and newsletters disseminate results of field lab trials on soil erosion, soil health, biodiversity & carbon saving.

Future Farming Resilience support farmers and land managers transitioning to regenerative farming.  ​ Three levels of support aimed at paying for sustainable farming practices, creating habitats for nature recovery and making landscape-scale change such as establishing new woodland and other ecosystem services.

Dartmoor National Parks manage conservation projects in our headwaters on Dartmoor including the Magnificent Mires and Moor Otters Project which demonstrates how artists can make a differnce.

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FWAG (South West) supports farmers and catchment groups as a trusted partner in stewardship programmes and projects, enabling profitable and  environmentally-sensitive farming practice.

Upstream Thinking, applies natural solutions to reduce this agricultural impact on biodiversity and water quality. ​ Installing waterside fencing Building ponds Improving farm tracks Increasing slurry storage Planting trees and buffer strips to catch and filter water]

The South West Peatland Partnership is restoring degraded peatland on Dartmoor, Bodmin Moor and Exmoor by 2025.  As well as acting as natural carbon stores, rare wildlife habitats, archaeological havens, water purifiers and places for people to enjoy, healthy peatlands also increase resilience to climate change.

Symbiosis Soil Lab

Soil microbiologists work with farmers to evaluate their own soil microbiology and develop bespoke liquid microbial solutions and land management strategies to enhance land restoration projects. Increased soil organic matter content increases infiltration rates, soil fertility and carbon sequestration.

Habitat Restoration

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The Habitat Group help create wildlife friendly habitats. The group is a collection of people from different parishes in the South Hams who are concerned by the loss of our local biodiversity, but are convinced that they can turn this around with prcatical support and advice for landowners and farmers.

MM supports landowners wanting to re-establish traditional species-rich meadows which provide beneficial herb-rich grazing pasture and are essential habitat for many rapidly declining insect species and the wildlife which relies on them in the food web.

DWT Avon Valley Project works with landowners restoring and re-connecting wildlife habitat  Landowners and farmers are invited to meet others in the valley who have been able to adapt management strategies to benefit nature without compromising food security or their income.

An Estuary Management Plan is in place (2021 - 2024) for all Estuaries in South Hams under the management of South Devon National Landscape

Research, Education & Training


As a part of AgZero+ PML is making regular measurements throughout the rivers, estuary and coastal waters of the River Tamar catchment.  PML is also measuring the efficacy of a nature-based flood-defence improvement scheme at Calstock, Cornwall.

SDE offers businesses, schools and communities workshops and activities to learn about the marine and land-based science topics on the environment and conservation. Many funding bodies support this outreach programme.

BLC collaborates to shift South Devon towards long-term climate resilience by bringing together many sectors - economy, ecology, learning, arts and culture. They are a learning centre and action learning lab on the River Dart.

SDE CIO promotes the conservation and protection of the environment and biodiversity; researches environmental problems, indicators and solutions and  facilitates positive environmental activities.  ​


Apricot Centre

Experienced practitioners support farmers, growers and landowners wanting to transition to regenerative farming – whole farm planning, soil and water management, design of agro-forestry systems, nature recovery on farms, biodynamic systems, bio-diversity net gain and carbon credit support. Practical traineeships and certificated NVQs.

Environmental Volunteer Agencies


TCiC clears shorelines of plastic pollution using special recyclable boats and a fleet of kayaks made from recycled fishing nets, all crewed by volunteers, from all walks of life.

Force4Nature is an Active Regeneration project, funded by Natural England.  It offers volunteers a chance to support local nature regeneration initiatives.

Working Groups carrying out practical tasks under the guidance of the Woodland Trust Site Manager. They keep our sites looking great, keep our pathways accessible, and help us manage the woodland in line with our management plans. A great way to learn skills and meet new people, our Working Groups also directly contribute to the care and upkeep of valuable habitats.

Seasonal and weekly programme of practical tasks at tree nurseries in South Hams, seed gathering, tree planting and tree management.

Forums & Government Agencies


SDCP is made up of groups, organisations and individuals working in South Devon catchments to ensure we meet the water quality obligations under the Water Framework Directive. The SDCP meets twice per year in Totnes.

The DLNP is a strategic collaboration of a huge range of organisations, groups and individuals committed to working together to restore and enhance the natural environment which underpins our lives. They cover peat bogs to sea caves and ancient oak woodlands to estuaries.

Natural England, is the public body responsible for ensuring our wildlife, freshwater & marine environments are protected and improved.  NE identifies habitats in the MAGIC Map. The NE Policy Paper on pollution of rivers enables 'sustainable development' to continue with a mitigations payment.

SDNL Estuaries Officer organises a twice-yearly Forum for the Avon and the Salcombe Kingsbridge Estuary. The current Estuary Management Plansrun until the end 0f 2024. NE identifies habitats in the MAGIC Map. The NE Policy Paper on pollution of rivers enables 'sustainable development' to continue with a mitigations payment.

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